Tuesday, January 30, 2007

AGRI-ENERGY Conference

Agri-energy conference set: The 2007 Michigan Agri-Energy Conference will highlight renewable energy, while identifying market barriers, the economics of renewable energy, and examining case studies and success stories. This event will take place at the Holiday Inn South in Lansing March 13 and 14. Farmers, service providers, rural and agricultural leaders, researchers and policymakers are all encouraged to attend, and learn how Michigan can capitalize on the potential of renewable sources like wind and solar, biomass, biofuels and bioproducts. The opening keynote, "A Perspective on Future Energy Trends for the United States," will be delivered by Michael Schaal, director of the Energy Information Administration in the United States Department of Energy. This will be followed by breakout sessions hosted by technical experts in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and environmental regulations. Day One will end with a networking reception and an additional opportunity to view the exhibit area, which will feature the latest products and services in the renewable energy arena, as well as informational booths on current research and development from various universities and institutes. Day Two will start off with a keynote address, "21st Century Energy Plan Report," from Peter Lark, chairman of the Michigan Public Service Commission. This will be followed by more breakout sessions and a grant-writing workshop to learn tips for securing Farm Bill, Section 9006 grant dollars. To register online, visit www.michigan.gov/deqworkshops and click on "Upcoming DEQ Workshops." For more information, e-mail Terri Novak at novaktl@michigan.gov or call (517) 930-3170.

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