Friday, May 18, 2007

Massive Biology web site "Encyclopedia of Life" Contents Copyright 2007 eSchool News. All rights reserved.
Scientists compile massive biology web site 'Encyclopedia of Life' to contain information about all 1.8 million known species on Earth, free of charge online From eSchool News staff and wire service reports May 10, 2007
In a whale-sized project, the world's scientists plan to compile everything they know about all of Earth's 1.8 million known species and put it all on one web site, open to the public free of charge.
The effort, called the Encyclopedia of Life, will include species descriptions, pictures, maps, videos, sound, sightings by amateurs, and links to entire genomes and scientific journal papers. Its first pages of information were shown May 9 in Washington, D.C., where the massive effort was announced by some of the world's leading scientific institutions and universities. The project will take about 10 years to complete.
"It's an interactive zoo," said James Edwards, who will be the encyclopedia's executive director. Edwards currently helps run a global biodiversity information system.
If the new encyclopedia progresses as planned, it should fill about 300 million pages, which, if lined up end-to-end, would be more than 52,000 miles long, able to stretch twice around the world at the equator.
The MacArthur and Sloan foundations have given a total of $12.5 million to pay for the first two-and-a-half years of the massive effort, but it will be free and accessible to everyone--students, teachers, scholars, and others alike.
The pages can be adjusted so they provide useful information for both a schoolchild and a research biologist, with an emphasis on encouraging "citizen-scientists" to add their sightings. While amateurs can contribute in clearly marked side pages, the key detail and science parts of the encyclopedia will be compiled and reviewed by experts.
"It could be a very big leap in the way we do science," said Cristian Samper, acting secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, one of seven museums, universities, and labs to launch the encyclopedia. "This is a project that is so big, not even the Smithsonian could do it by itself. It is a global effort."
Other institutions helping to head the undertaking are Harvard University, Chicago's Field Museum, the Marine Biological Laboratory in Massachusetts, the Biodiversity Heritage Library Consortium, the Missouri Botanical Garden, and the Atlas of Living Australia.
The project will try to be like Mexico's Conabio compilation of all 70,000 named species in that country, but bigger, Edwards said.
"They are going to do something extremely ambitious and important," said Conabio's founding director, Jorge Soberon, now a professor at the University of Kansas.
For more than a decade, scientists have tried to compile simply a list of all species on Earth, but have failed. It's been too complicated, too expensive, and too cumbersome.
This effort might succeed where the others have faltered, because of new search-engine technology--the same kind that Google uses. It will scan the web for scientific information on the internet and "mash up" all of the material into a file that then gets reviewed by expert curators, said Harvard's James Hanken, a steering committee member.
For scientists, especially those in developing countries, this can open up new worlds of research, said Samper, who has worked as a biologist in Colombia studying South American plants. And that means more science from different areas, he said. Research papers that used to be limited to northern science libraries will be easily accessible in remote Botswana, he said.
"The democracy of science can't be overemphasized," he added.
And the democracy will be spread to people without doctoral degrees. Edwards said the public will be able to send information to scientists that they wouldn't have otherwise.
"The public can contribute, and that makes a big difference," Soberon said. "It's one thing to be a passive spectator, and another when the public can contribute."
This could be crucial in tracking invasive species, Samper said.
Sample demonstration pages on the polar bear show what the scientists hope to do. They offer pictures, maps, research, and data on the molecular biology, genetics, reproduction, and diet of the polar bear.
The information can be accessed at the "novice" level, which says: "Polar bears inhabit Arctic sea ice, water, islands, and continental coastlines." At the "expert" level, it says: "Polar bears occur in low numbers throughout their range and are most abundant in shallow water areas near shore or where current or upwellings increase biological productivity near ice areas associated with open water, polynyas, or lead systems."
And as new species are discovered each day, they'll be added, scientists say. They estimate that Earth actually has 8 million species or so, but only one-quarter of them have been identified and named as separate species.
After that, long-gone species--the fossil world--will be added.
"If we don't include dinosaurs, we'll have lost 6-year-old boys," Edwards said.
Encyclopedia of Life 7920 Norfolk Ave., Suite 900 Bethesda, MD 20814 (800) 394-0115 - Fax (301) 913-0119 Privacy Policy Manage your FREE eSchool News eMail subscriptions here Contents Copyright 2007 eSchool News. All rights reserved.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

TRUE DIGITAL Assessment BEGINS with the END (Intention) in MIND!

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Assessing 21st century skills

If we’re going to teach Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy skills in schools, we need ways of determining whether or not those skills have been learned by students. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills notes that answering the question ‘How do we measure 21st century learning? will be critical as we try to prepare students who can be productive citizens in the new technology-suffused, globally-interconnected economy.

Over in the United Kingdom, the British government’s Key Stage 3 ICT Literacy Assessment for 12- and 13-year-old aims to assess higher-order thinking skills in conjunction with ICT use. For example, as part of a task to draft and publish a journalistic article, students must use search engines to collect and analyze employment data, e-mail sources for permission to publish their information, and present data in graphic and written formats using word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software, all within a simulated computing environment. Student actions are tracked by the computer and assessed for both technical and learning skills such as finding things out, developing ideas, and exchanging and sharing information. If you’re interested, you can download a demonstration file and see for yourself.

Other interesting projects in the U.K. include Northern Ireland’s Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment A-Level Examination in the Moving Image (students must create and assess digital film clips), the Ultralab International Certificate in Digital Creativity (students must defend their digitally-produced film, artwork, and music to a panel of peers and professionals), and the eViva e-portfolio initiative (online space where students can receive feedback on their research and communication, data analysis, and presentation skills). If anyone in the U.K. is reading this post and has experience with any of these assessments, I’d love to hear your perspectives in the comments section.

Over here in the United States, ETS also is attempting to create new assessments of 21st century learning skills. I had a chance last fall to get a personal demonstration of the ETS ICT Literacy Assessment. Like the Key Stage 3, ETS’ assessment is a scenario-based test. This is a completely new paradigm for ETS, which the ETS representative said is challenging but also exciting for its psychometricians to try and wrap their heads around. I encourage you to visit the demo site and see how the test works. It may not be ideal, but I think it’s a lot further from your typical standardized test than one might expect. It’s an interesting attempt to blend both the technology and information literacy skills needed by future generations and at least offers some food for thought. Also check out the News and Research links to find out more about the results from ETS’ pilot tests.

We will see the birth of many new 21st century assessments in the years ahead. Like these early attempts, most of these assessments will be performance-based and thus will avoid some of the objections we hear about current standardized tests. Most, if not all, also will utilize the multimedia, simulation, and tracking power of digital technologies to create more authentic assessments of real-life tasks. It should be an interesting journey.


Much of the information in this post, including some very close paraphrasing, comes from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills report, Assessment of 21st Century Skills: The Current Landscape. If you’re interested in 21st century learning skills, this report should be an important addition to your reading list.

Other resources

E-Portforlios and DIGITAL Assessment

Digital-Age Assessment

By Harry Grover Tuttle
February 15, 2007

e-portfolios are the wave of the future.

Effective 21st century assessment reaches beyond traditional testing to look at the broader accomplishments of learners. Assembling an e-portfolio, or electronic portfolio, is an excellent method for assessing students' progress toward school, state, or national academic standards, as well as 21st century skills. An electronic portfolio is a purposefully limited collection of student selected work over time that documents progress toward meeting the standards. Work may be collected over a semester, a year, or even several years, passing from one grade level and teacher to the next. E-portfolios reflect more in-depth, more comprehensive, and better thought-out evidence of student learning than on-demand tests. For instance, a student's three-hour state benchmark essay offers the feedback of a 5/6 score, while an e-portfolio allows students to document the many aspects of their essay writing improvement over the course of a year.

Student reflections in an e-portfolio should detail what a student learned and what they still need to learn in a given subject.

Getting Started

Educators can begin by showing the students sample e-portfolios so they understand the overall format and the richness of artifacts—digitally produced homework, classwork, and projects—that can be put into it. A common e-portfolio format includes a title page; a standards' grid; a space for each individual standard�with accompanying artifacts and information on how each artifact addresses the standard; an area for the student's overall reflection on the standard; and a teacher formative feedback section for each standard. Within the e-portfolio, the evidence of student learning may be in diverse formats such as Web pages, e-movies, visuals, audio recordings, and text. Elementary students might explain the biology standard through e-movies of plant experiments and explain their cultural art to another class via a recorded videoconference. Middle school students might demonstrate their understanding of community by posting interviews to a Web site, or for P.E., display their understanding of life-long fitness through a spreadsheet of their wellness activities. High school students might document their comprehension of negative numbers through digital pictures or record a radio show where they role-play the parts of authors discussing common book themes for a humanities class.

Storing Artifacts

Students need to be able to store all their digital artifacts in one location such as on the network, on a flash drive, or on their class laptop. The ideal scenario is to store them in multiple locations and archived on a CD or DVD. Some teachers have students store their artifacts within a digital folder labeled for the standard such as 1Understand. Others have students save each artifact with the number for the standard such as 3Comparetwopoems.doc. Students spend more time in thinking about the artifacts and less time in trying to figure out what the file contains if the artifact file name is very descriptive.

The Process

Another advantage to e-portfolios is that they encourage self-guided learning. Students take the lead in selecting appropriate artifacts for a given standard and explaining how these exemplify the standard's requirements. Next, they write a reflection, learning that it is not the rewording of the standard nor a description of the learning experience, but rather a statement of what they did not know beforehand, what they learned during the creation process, and what they have yet to learn.


Educators can select from many possible tools to create e-portfolios. Some use commercial software specifically designed for e-portfolios such as LiveText, Grady Profile, Scholastic Electronic Portfolio, and Sunburst Learner Profile; others use noncommercial software such as Open Source Portfolio. Another avenue is to create e-portfolios from generic software such as word processors, an Adobe Acrobat PDF file, Web pages, multimedia tools, or blogging. Students feel most comfortable with these generic e-portfolio software programs when the instructor provides a high degree of structure through a template.

Assembling the Portfolio

Using the template as a guide, students choose which of their artifacts will go in the final e-portfolio. Because they already know how to word process, they will find it easy to add all the germane parts of their projects into one long document. For example, science students open up a word processed lab report which they've saved, copy the part that illustrates a particular standard, and then paste that portion of the report into the appropriate location under the Standards section of the template. In addition, they may put in any other already created digital artifacts such as images, movies, or sound. The only new work they have to do for the e-portfolio is to write their reflections for each standard.

Blog e-portfolios

Many word processed e-portfolios are predominantly text-based with a few images, and these can be saved as a PDFs to maintain all of the e-portfolio's formatting, such as alignment and font size. In a blog e-portfolio, students create an individual blog entry and give it a name, such as Standard 2. Students enter the e-portfolio parts in reverse order so that the title page is the most recent entry and, therefore, at the top of the blog listing. The reviewer can click on the listing of previous blog entries to see each component. Artifacts can be in the form of text, image, video, or other digital content. Teachers provide a template that each student can copy into the blog since the teacher cannot format each student's blog.

PowerPoint E-portfolios

For students already comfortable creating multimedia presentations, assembling a PowerPoint e-portfolio is not difficult. Each slide may reflect one component of a standard and therefore a single standard may comprise five or more slides. Students can link pages together to help reviewers navigate. However, PowerPoint is not a good vehicle for long text passages such as an essay. When students use Web pages, they create a page for each standard or a page for each part of the standard. They can link from standard to the supporting artifacts so that the reviewer can easily navigate the e-portfolio.

An e-portfolio should include areas where educators can rate student progress and provide helpful feedback.

The Downside

A disadvantage of these generic software e-portfolios, however, is that there is no management aspect—a teacher cannot compare how well all students have done on a certain standard without manually checking each e-portfolio. Therefore, program evaluation becomes very time-consuming. Also, these student e-portfolios are not cumulative from year to year, so teachers cannot see a growth on the standards over several years in a single e-portfolio. In addition, students who do not understand the mechanics of resizing photographs and other images for their e-portfolios can create files that are too memory intensive for transfer. Furthermore, generic software, unlike many other e-portfolio packages, does not contain an archival space for the students' artifacts.

21st Century Skills

E-portfolios support 21st century skills in a variety of ways. Self-assessment becomes a regular part of learning as students frequently select or re-evaluate which of their work is the best evidence of their skills and strive to create even better evidence in their future assignments. Formative assessment also plays a key role through regular teacher feedback. He or she might comment that a student did a great in-depth explanation on a part of the standard but still needs to address the whole standard in a more comprehensive fashion. Or a teacher may note that the student's critical contrast of two literary works would have been more analytical if the student had contrasted the theme for both novels in the same paragraph.

As we continue to move more deeply into the digital age and increasingly ask students to create and innovate, the e-portfolio is likely to all but replace high stakes and other traditional testing as a method of authentic evaluation.

Harry Grover Tuttle is an educator-in-residence at Syracuse University.

Ten Tips

Creating an Electronic Portfolio

  • State and explain the specific standards and the
    subparts of each standard that will be evaluated in the e-portfolio.
  • Tell how the e-portfolio will be assessed and by whom. Share the assessment rubric with students and let them know whether the teacher, a team, or a group of experts will assess the e-portfolio.
  • Model several e-portfolios for the students so they understand the e-portfolio's purpose and general format.
  • Provide a detailed e-portfolio template for the students so they understand what is required for each part of the e-portfolio.
  • Label each class assignment, homework assignment, and project with the appropriate standard; therefore, the students can quickly identify all of the possible artifacts for a particular standard.
  • Provide network and other storage for the students'
    digital artifacts to facilitate frequent archiving.
  • Model how to select an artifact for the e-portfolio based on how well the artifact reflects the standard.
  • Model a reflection on a standard so that students show their growth in the standard.
  • Include regularly scheduled e-portfolio days in which the students archive artifacts, decide which artifacts best support the standards, assemble their e-portfolios, write their reflections, and, possibly, present it. Some teachers schedule e-portfolio days every 5 weeks, and others do it every 10 weeks.
  • Have an e-portfolio review and provide each student with an assessment of the e-portfolio.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Changing Michigan's Schools / Detroit News Editorials

Changing Michigan's Schools
Sunday 2-11-2007

Local school districts balk at education reform

Michigan is already stepping back from its new commitment to education reform, just as it is trying to catch up with other states and the world.

Less than a year after Michigan passed much-heralded statewide curriculum reform for high schools, school districts are balking at fully implementing it, saying they will teach it through trimesters rather than semesters, allowing them to keep more elective courses as well as teachers who aren't qualified for the tougher classes.

In doing so, they are sabotaging students' access to the content they most need to prepare for college and the work world.

"It makes a mockery out of these high school graduation requirements," says Sharif Shakrani, co-director of Michigan State University's Education Policy Center and one of the country's foremost experts in student achievement. "Unless the legislators do something about this, it will be really hard to correct later on. Otherwise, it's a sham."

Today, The Detroit News kicks off a weeklong series on Michigan education, exploring how the state can dramatically improve students' K-16 success if it is willing to stand up to the special interests controlling the schools.

Never before has education mattered so much to our future well-being.

Yet at the school and district level, many administrators, teachers and union leaders are proving reluctant to follow state leadership on the high school curriculum reform passed last spring.

At the state level, both Democrats and Republicans resist or do not initiate reforms, using the respective excuses of union rights and local control to protect their core supporters.

These so-called traditions are holding the state back from educational and economic progress.

"I really am a local control guy," says Mike Reno, a Republican member of the Rochester Community Schools Board of Education. "But at this point, local control is out of control."

The problem is not ignorance. We know what to do. Other states have shown us.

Nor is the problem simply funding. Money helps, but it has not driven successful reforms elsewhere.

Texas, Virginia and North Carolina and other states have undertaken bold state-level reforms to effectively boost their students' academic success. As a result, they are increasingly closing their socioeconomic achievement gap.

By contrast, Michigan did not pass a statewide assessment until April 2006. The state has not improved its college attendance rate significantly, and its student achievement is continuing to fall behind compared with other states' performance growth.

"We need another approach," Shakrani says. "Other states have taken another approach, and it is bearing fruit."

This week, we'll look at how Michigan can -- and must -- take another approach to K-12 education.

If Michigan is to regain its educational edge, both political parties must put children before their partisan supporters and embrace a more open-minded, 21st century interpretation of their core beliefs.


About the series
How Michigan must reform the state's K-12 education system to catch up with the rest of the world.
Today: Opponents use excuses of union rights and local control to frustrate school change.
Monday: Why Michigan's student achievement is falling behind, and what we can do about it.
Tuesday: We explore the special interests that fight reforms to turn around the state's dismal dropout rate.
Wednesday: How other states have overhauled teacher management to improve student performance.
Thursday: Michigan must cut its skyrocketing administrative costs to save money for the classroom.

Changing Michigan's schools
Monday 2-12-2007

State must play stronger role in education reform

Just 10 years ago, Michigan students significantly out-performed the national average on achievement. Today, their performance is barely average compared with other states -- and fails miserably compared to other countries.

Michigan students didn't grow worse; they just didn't grow at all. While our state's performance stagnated, other states' students blossomed under careful cultivation.

Years after other states launched dramatic changes to improve their schools, Michigan is just trying out overdue education reform.

Last year, Michigan implemented a sorely needed statewide curriculum reform. While we applaud this new mandate, we realize that schools need further state leadership to guide instruction, textbook policy, teacher management and other issues to ensure the educational system leads the country once gain, and the world.

Other states have embraced bold statewide reforms. They are seeing real results. Yet Michigan clings to outdated, rigid traditions of local control and union rights that need to be modernized.

We have always believed that government works best when it is closest to the people. But Michigan's local school boards have proven incapable of breaking the stranglehold of education unions and implementing common sense reforms. We cannot deny what is working in other states.

Experts and activists agree the state must take the lead on improving student performance by providing more guidance on instructional methods, and addressing school structures and educators who resist reforms.

Michigan can wipe out its education deficit if the state:

Provides more guidance on instruction. Many school districts are struggling to figure out how to implement the new state curriculum.

Overhauls middle school instruction and structures to better prepare students for high school.

Recommends textbooks, if not mandate them, to reflect the needs of the new global economy. Michigan instruction is based on textbooks. If the books change, the teaching will follow.

Michigan's rigid teacher bargaining agreements and interpretation of local control has continued to thwart reform.

"This is a state that has prided itself for many, many, many years that the decisions of education are made at the local, local, local level," says Sharif Shakrani, co-director of Michigan State University's Education Policy Center and one of the country's foremost experts in student achievement.

Mike Reno, a businessman and Rochester school board member, adds, "With local control comes responsibility to make sound decisions. Look at most school boards: I don't think they make bad decisions; they just don't make any decisions. If they had done their jobs, we would not have needed the state to lead reform. But we do."

Michigan's cultural attitude must also change. North Carolina upended its old belief that "not everyone is meant to go to college" and mandated that middle schools eliminate tracking. Now, every middle school student is taking rigorous college preparatory classes and they are closing their socio-economic achievement gap.

Michigan needs a similar comprehensive reform of education that starts with taking the schools back from special interests.

Friday, February 09, 2007



Microsoft joins Wireless Oakland team: Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson announced that Microsoft Corp. had signed up as a member of the corporate team behind Wireless Oakland, the effort to offer free basic wireless Internet service everywhere in Oakland County. During his State of the County speech, Patterson announced that Microsoft will "develop and maintain all content and advertising on the Wireless Oakland portal," the home page for the system that will come up first on users' computer screens. WWJ Newsradio 950's Web site is offering a podcast of Patterson's remarks, at this link. There's also a podcast of an interview on the speech with Oakland County CIO Phil Bertolini, who is leading the Wireless Oakland effort. Installation of the system began in Troy Jan. 19. Other pilot areas in Birmingham, Royal Oak, Madison Heights, Oak Park, Wixom and Pontiac will be live with service available by April 30. At that time, Bertolini said, the county will release a schedule for rolling out service in the rest of the county. All areas of the county should see service by early 2008, Bertolini said. The system will offer Wi-Fi service free at 128 kilobits per second, at no cash cost to the county. The companies financing the system will make money selling faster service tiers. More at

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


A New Story + a BHAG

David Warlick has blogged often about our need to tell a new story. A story about the technological shifts that are occurring in our society. A story about the impacts that digital technologies are having on our lives, the workplace, and, indeed, our very economies. A story about the future of eduation and what our kids need to know and be able to do in the New Economy. A story that helps people make the move from an education system designed for yesteryear to a system that is designed for tomorrow. This story needs to be told in a compelling way so that it resonates with listeners.

I agree with David. We do need a new story. We probably need multiple new stories, told in different ways to different people at different times in different settings. We need to tailor the new story for different audiences to ensure maximum reception. But I’m also thinking that a new story is not enough. A new story alone will not get us to where we need to be.

I think we also need a BHAG: a big, hairy, audacious goal. A tangible, concrete target that lets us know when we’ve reached some crucial point. A new story (or three or four…) is a necessary component, but I don’t think it will be sufficient in and of itself. I think we need a new story and a BHAG, because the BHAG will help drive action and allocation of resources. A new story tells us what the issues are but it doesn’t necessarily help people know what to do. The BHAG helps people understand where we might go and how to get there. Together a new story and a BHAG will help educators, and parents, and community members, and politicans create the will and the action to move us forward.

I think we’re starting to wrap our heads around what a new story might look like. For example, I know that the presentation set I’ve been delivering lately, which combines diifferent resources and quotes and materials from the blogosphere and elsewhere, is resonating well with folks here in Minnesota. But we still need a BHAG.

So what might a BHAG be? What might be a big, hairy, audacious goal, a target that makes us gulp a little bit but also is focused and achievable? What might be something that would help us accomplish our goal of moving schools, students, teachers, and classroom pedagogy into the 21st century? What might be a goal that is tangible and yet energizing, a goal that grabs people in the gut and serves as a unifying focal point of effort?

I’ve been thinking a lot about this and I can’t come up with anything better than this:

  1. ubiqitous nationwide high-speed wireless Internet access, and
  2. a wireless-capable laptop for every student and educator.

I’ve previously blogged about variations of the first component (both here and here), and I think we’re starting to see the revolutionary impacts of giving every kid and teacher a computer, even when those impacts weren’t foreseen or desired at the outset. I think these two in coordination (and you need them both, I believe) are a BHAG worth rallying around. Now of course the question is… what do you think?

AMERICA'S "Perfect Storm!"

Press Releases

ETS Report: Converging Forces Threaten America’s Future


Tom Ewing
(609) 683-2803

Princeton, N.J. (February 5, 2007) —

Three powerful forces — inadequate literacy skills among large segments of the population, the continuing evolution of the economy and the nation’s job structure, and an ongoing shift in the demographic profile of the nation, powered by the highest immigration rates in almost a century — are creating a “perfect storm” that could have dire consequences for our nation, according to a report ETS released today in a National Press Club Newsmaker press conference in Washington, D.C.

“America’s Perfect Storm: Three Forces Changing Our Nation’s Future,” a report by ETS’s Policy Information Center, warns that America is in the midst of a perfect storm that, if unaddressed, will continue to feed on itself, further dividing us socially and economically, jeopardizing American competitiveness and threatening our democratic institutions. In the report, authors Irwin Kirsch and Kentaro Yamamoto of ETS, Henry Braun of Boston College and Andrew Sum of Northeastern University contend that the convergence of the three forces has serious implications for future generations and could turn the American dream into an American tragedy.

“America’s Perfect Storm is a wake-up call with implications for education, business, policymakers and every parent and child,” says ETS President and CEO Kurt Landgraf. “It describes forces at play in society that will affect all of us in the near future. The American dream is the idea that everyone has the opportunity to make a living, provide for a family, and raise children who will be better educated and better off. If we fail to act now on the warnings sounded in this report, the next generation of children will be
worse off than their parents for the first time in our country’s history. The American dream could turn into an American tragedy for many.”

The report also offers hope that if we act now and develop new policies that will increase literacy skills across the population, we can reduce the impact of the storm, help our nation grow together, and retain our leading role in the world.

“America’s Perfect Storm describes brilliantly the major challenges facing American workers and our economy as the result of an education system that fails to educate our young people, an increasingly technological global economy, and major demographic shifts in our population,” says Arthur J. Rothkopf, Senior Vice President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “Unless we act aggressively and promptly to reform our public education system, the standard of living of U.S. workers will decline, and the U.S. economy will become far less competitive.”

One of the major forces contributing to America’s perfect storm is inadequate literacy skills among large segments of the population. “Individuals are expected to take more responsibility for managing various aspects of their own lives, such as planning for retirement, navigating the health care system, and managing their careers,” Kirsch says. “Yet half of adults lack the reading and math skills to use these systems effectively and, therefore, will face challenges fulfilling their roles as parents, citizens and workers. Perhaps of greater concern is the fact that this problem is not limited to adults. Our high school graduation rate, at 70 percent, is far behind that of other countries, and our students lag behind many of our trading partners in reading, math and science.”

The second force is a dramatically changing economy, driven by technological innovation and globalization. “The economy itself is experiencing seismic changes, resulting in new sources of wealth, new patterns of international trade, and a shift in the balance of capital over labor,” Braun says. “These changes are causing a profound restructuring of the U.S. workplace, with a larger proportion of job growth occurring in higher-level occupations that require a college education, such as management, professional, technical, and executive-level sales. The wage gap is widening between the most- and least-skilled workers; men with bachelor’s degrees can expect to earn almost twice as much over their lifetimes as those without.”

The third force contributing to America’s “perfect storm” is sweeping demographic changes. “Half of the U.S. population growth into the next decade is expected to come from new immigrants, which will have a dramatic impact on the composition of the workforce, as well as on the general population,” Kirsch says. “While immigrants come from diverse backgrounds with varying levels of education, we should recognize that 34 percent of new immigrants arrive without a high school diploma, and of those, 80 percent cannot speak English well, if at all.”

Although each of these forces is powerful in its own right, it is their interaction over time that can have momentous consequences. “Our nation has a choice to make,” Sum says. “If we continue on our present course, we will gradually lose ground to other countries and, in the process, become more divided socially and economically. Or we can invest in policies that will help us to grow together, policies that will result in better opportunities for all Americans.”

Download the full report, “America’s Perfect Storm: Three Forces Changing Our Nation’s Future,” for free at Purchase copies for $15 (prepaid) by writing to the Policy Information Center, ETS, MS 19-R, Rosedale Road, Princeton, NJ 08541-0001; by calling (609) 734-5949; or by sending an e-mail to


ETS is a nonprofit institution with the mission to advance quality and equity in education by providing fair and valid assessments, research and related services for all people worldwide. In serving individuals, educational institutions and government agencies around the world, ETS customizes solutions to meet the need for teacher professional development products and services, classroom and end-of-course assessments, and research-based teaching and learning tools. Founded in 1947, ETS today develops, administers and scores more than 24 million tests annually in more than 180 countries, at over 9,000 locations worldwide.


K-12 Computing Blueprint
Your Resource for One-to-One Computing
Timely tools, resources, and information for K12 leaders about mobile learning solutions. Includes research data, best practices, funding models, deployment strategies, and more. Sponsored by Intel Corp. and Center for Digital Education.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

DIGITAL Differentiated LEARNING!

eSchool News presents ...
Differentiated Learning

New realities in standardized testing, coupled with a better understanding of student needs, have underscored the importance of differentiated instruction. Given all of the progress being made in understanding the various learning styles, abilities, and preferences of students, tailoring exercises and instruction to the unique needs of each student is the next logical step in education--and, fortunately, advances in technology now make differentiated instruction possible like never before.

New software, hardware, and internet trends allow educators and stakeholders to determine the optimal learning style for a given student, and then use this information to engage the student accordingly. This is fantastic news for everyone involved in education today--but the practice of differentiated instruction is not without its difficulties. Teachers need to learn the basics of these new technologies, then apply them expertly. Parents and administrators need to acclimate themselves to the idea that a "one-size fits all" approach to education is quickly becoming irrelevant and outdated. The promise of differentiated learning is as intimidating as it is exciting. That's why, with the generous help of educational search-engine company netTrekker, we've assembled this one-stop guide to differentiated learning. We hope you can use it to familiarize yourself with the concepts, difficulties, and execution surrounding one of the most important educational trends of today.

--The Editors

eSN News & Information:

News Stories and Best Practices

Hitting the target: 'Informed instruction' helps raise achievement, meet mandates
Delivering individualized instruction targeted to meet each student's needs once was no more than the stuff of educators' dreams. Today, thanks to a growing number of offerings and some creative financing on the part of school districts, this model is becoming a reality for teachers and students nationwide...

California schools adopt digital history program
California is undertaking an experiment that could have ramifications across the country: A new program under way in select elementary schools has history teachers scrapping traditional textbooks in favor of digital learning materials...

Mississippi proposes self-paced, online curriculum
Mississippi Superintendent of Education Hank Bounds has unveiled a new $20 million proposal designed to offer seven possible career paths to high school students, as well as online courses that would help prepare them for college and the workforce...

Technology helps teach complex reading skills
With the testing requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act targeting elementary and middle school students until now, and with the knowledge that a strong foundation in reading begins at an early age, it's easy to see why school leaders might focus their attention on reading instruction in the early grades at the expense of high-school reading programs...

Stanford targets gifted high schoolers
At a time when sweeping education reforms such as the federal No Child Left Behind Act have focused the attention of educators on the needs of disadvantaged students, officials at Stanford University have harnessed the power of online learning to reach another often overlooked group of students: the academically gifted. Starting this fall, a first-of-its-kind online school aims to better prepare gifted and talented students for the challenges of elite universities...

Technology strikes a chord in music education
From elementary schools to Boston's Berklee College of Music, a revolution is quietly taking place in music education. With the help of electronic music software, students who don't even play an instrument now can compose songs or even an entire symphony--learning more about music theory in the process than ever before possible...

Educators take serious look at video gaming
Learning to leverage the enormous popularity of video games to help students excel was the core purpose of two events held in Washington, D.C. ...

Games help train kids to pay attention
In what is believed to be the first real evidence to support what is becoming a growing field of inquiry, the use of special computer games to "train" their brains improved the ability of healthy children to pay attention during scientific trials, researchers reported...

Experts offer homework help online
As students get back into the routine of another school year, many will be taking advantage of the scores of experts from academia, government, and elsewhere who offer free online advice to those needing homework help--as long as the inquiring young minds are motivated by curiosity and aren't merely lazy.

Tech helps special-needs kids pass key tests
Whether, how, and how much educators should deploy technology to help special-needs students on high-stakes tests are complex issues in the era of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). As mandated by the federal law, teachers and administrators around the nation must strive to make sure special-needs kids meet the same high standards as their peers...

Webcast tackles IT gender gap
To engage girls in the study of science and technology, educators need to convey the right message about the roles these fields play in society and the skills they require--and they also need to provide more hands-on activities that have some social value...

Students tackle math via fantasy football
It's been ten years in the making, but a former California middle-school teacher insists he's found a way to accomplish the unthinkable: getting students to do homework on the weekends--while watching football, on the couch...

Google Maps inspire creativity
A new technology from internet search behemoth Google Inc. is making innovators out of some educators, who have begun envisioning practical uses for the company's new Google Maps feature to make previously unavailable graphic representations of everything from school district bus routes to geography lessons...

Online courses help math instructors
To help establish a foundation of "highly qualified" teachers in core subjects by the end of the 2005-06 school year as mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), the Concord Consortium has developed two new series of online professional development courses for elementary and secondary math instructors. The programs are available to teachers nationwide...

'Interactive teaching' engages learners
A wireless handheld technology similar to the remote control you use to control your television set is transforming large, impersonal college lecture courses into dynamic, interactive learning labs. Although initiated mostly in colleges, this style of instruction--dubbed "interactive teaching" by its proponents--has potential far beyond the lecture hall...

Video on demand boosts students' math scores
Short video clips that reinforce key concepts are effective in increasing student achievement, according to a second research project. An earlier study found that video can improve learning in science and social studies. Now, brand-new research shows judiciously selected video clips also can produce statistically significant gains in algebra and geometry scores...

'Ultra-communicators' demand more eMail access, better software
A survey suggests the pervasiveness of internet-connected computers at home and in the nation's schools has given rise to a new breed of tech-savvy student: "ultra-communicators," who say they approach their daily lives differently as a result of technology. The survey's findings have important implications for school leaders as they seek to design learning environments that meet the needs of today's students...

New 'visualization' technologies can help students hone web searches
As useful as internet search engines are, they have a pretty big flaw: They often deliver too much information, and a lot of it isn't quite what students are looking for. But some intriguing new technologies are getting better at bringing order to all that chaos and could revolutionize how students and others mine the internet for information...

Online learning makes summer studies more rewarding
Except in the occasional suburban tomato patch, nobody will be harvesting the crops in Fairfax County, Va., this summer. Even so, some 50 students in the highly regarded suburban Washington, D.C., school division will use education's time-honored, farming-inspired hiatus to reap the benefits of a web-based Algebra 1 class...

A "Ticket" to the BIG SHOW filled with PROMISE!

Detroit Free Press

Governor to push for free tuition

Local taxes, donations could send more high school grads to college

Gov. Jennifer Granholm wants to give more Michigan high school graduates who can't otherwise afford it a chance to go to college.

In her State of the State address Tuesday, she will outline a plan -- inspired by the bold Kalamazoo Promise -- that would offer the incentive of tax money to match private donations to create a college-tuition plan for all graduates of public schools in economically stressed communities, administration officials said Thursday.

Detroit parent Ted Spencer said he likes the idea.

"We're losing a lot of kids between the third and sixth grade," Spencer said. "We need something to motivate them, and I think this would be beautiful."

The Kalamazoo plan is funded entirely by anonymous donors.

Granholm's plan would rely on deep-pocketed benefactors, but also match their money with a portion of local property taxes. The combined funding would pay tuition costs that aren't covered by financial aid such as Pell grants, scholarships or the Michigan Promise, which gives up to $4,000 for college.

Part of the funding would come from Promise Zones -- most likely entire cities -- which would capture half the annual increase in revenues from the existing 6-mill property tax on homes that pays for schools statewide, the State Education Tax (SET).

How much private money would be required before the taxes are tapped under Granholm's plan hasn't been determined.

Neither have other details, which must be discussed with potential donors and school districts before legislation is drafted, said Chuck Wilbur, Granholm's chief policy adviser.

For example, it is not known whether the tuition grants would go to students in charter schools, which are numerous in Detroit.

The tuition plan would be limited to areas with high levels of unemployment and poverty and low academic achievement.

Wilbur said groups in Detroit, Flint, Jackson and west Michigan have discussed ways to replicate the Kalamazoo Promise in their communities.

"We're doing this because we know the level of interest is high," Wilbur said. "Where struggling communities are trying to use higher education to create a better future for themselves, the governor believes the state should be part of that effort."

One potential problem is that in some cities, property-tax revenues haven't increased much as home values have stagnated and little new construction has occurred.

Detroit revenues from the SET are expected to rise by $2 million a year; Granholm's plan would take half of that for college tuitions. But in Flint, SET revenues rose by only $151,000 from 2005 to 2006.

That would create a total of about $76,000 for college tuition for Flint graduates to share.

Wilbur said the free-tuition program would stimulate property values to rise faster by attracting more families with children, and more development.

The Kalamazoo Promise is credited with increasing enrollment in Kalamazoo public schools by 1,000 students this year. Previously, the district was losing 250 students a year.

Kalamazoo Mayor Hannah McKinney said the city's home prices have risen by 10%, compared with flat prices in surrounding areas.

Among those considering the free-tuition concept is the Greater Flint Education Exploratory Committee. But no major donor has stepped forward, said foundation president Kathi Horton.

"The thought that there could be tools from the state, or the state could be an active partner in achieving this, is very encouraging," Horton said.

The scholarship program would improve the economy and give hope to young people who have the ability -- but not the money -- to attend college, said Carol Goss, president of the Skillman Foundation.

But she said community leaders must step up.

"As a foundation, this isn't something we could do by ourselves," she said.

In the Detroit Public Schools, free college tuition could reverse a troubling trend. The district has lost 60,000 students in the last decade, and the Board of Education is considering a plan to close 52 school buildings.

"We would retain more students and probably attract more students to the district," board President Jimmy Womack said. He said it would encourage more students to not only complete their high school education, but to also pursue higher education.

Sen. Nancy Cassis, R-Novi, said the details would determine the support Granholm's plan gets from lawmakers.

Cassis chairs the Senate Finance Committee, which likely would have to approve the property-tax portion of Granholm's proposal.

Contact CHRIS CHRISTOFF at 517-372-8660 or

Copyright © 2006 Detroit Free Press Inc.

Detroit Free Press

Promise renews city's hope for the future

Secret donation opens the door for students to go to college

Originally published June 4, 2006.

KALAMAZOO -- Elizabeth Lauer knows too well the sacrifices her mother, a single parent and former migrant worker, made to raise three children.

They "made me want to work hard to have the things I want in life," said Elizabeth, 18, a senior at Kalamazoo's Phoenix High School.

Her mother, Virginia Mills, barely had managed to finance the education of her older brother, who graduated this spring from Michigan State University. College seemed out of reach for Elizabeth.

Then came news of the Kalamazoo Promise.

The anonymously funded scholarship has changed Elizabeth's life and the lives of thousands of other students with its promise of full or partial tuition for nearly every graduate of Kalamazoo Public Schools.

"Words can't express what we feel," said Elizabeth, tears welling up in her eyes. "This is like a miracle."

Mills cried as she talked about what the tuition guarantee will mean for her daughter.

"I keep telling her I don't want her to be like me -- not having an education," she said. "I'm so happy for the promise."

In a district where enrollment has been on a downward spiral -- losing on average 250 students a year -- officials project that as many as 450 new students will enroll this fall because of the scholarship.

Students say the promise has motivated them to get better grades.

And a city where a quarter of the 77,000 residents live in poverty now feels revitalized.

"We really were in a crisis before the promise," Kalamazoo Mayor Hannah McKinney said.

Fiscal problems remain, she said, but now there is hope.

That hope is heard through the voices of the teenagers who now realize that the promise has the power to change their lives.

Elizabeth will attend Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, where she'll decide between a career in business or medicine. Eventually, she wants to transfer to her dream school, MSU.

Her only regret -- one echoed by many students -- is that the promise was not part of the landscape sooner.

"I would have worked harder," said Elizabeth, who attends an alternative high school for students who have trouble succeeding in a traditional classroom setting.

A rosier future

It's hard to imagine one scholarship fund having as much impact on a school district as the Kalamazoo Promise is expected to have.

Like most urban districts, Kalamazoo Public Schools has struggled financially and academically. Its MEAP scores are well below state averages. More than half the students -- 61 % -- receive free or reduced-price lunches, a common barometer of school poverty.

The district has cut $20 million from its budget over the last seven years.

But just months after the promise was announced last fall, administrators now are looking at a decidedly rosier financial picture.

The current enrollment of 10,200 is expected to grow by 450 students for the 2006-07 school year, with the increases coming from charter schools, private schools and new residents, Deputy Superintendent Gary Start said.

And instead of cutting its budget, the district actually is going to have more money this year. The boost in enrollment is likely to bring an additional $3.3 million -- $2.3 million of which would go toward hiring new teachers.

The remaining money might be used for efforts such as lowering class sizes.

"The promise is going to save Kalamazoo," Start said. "Many urban districts are in a downward spiral. If you lose students, you lose funding. This is changing the spiral to an upward spiral."

The promise rewards longevity in the district, so families who want to take advantage of it -- and get tuition paid in full -- will have to move within its boundaries and enroll their children by kindergarten.

As he talked about the program, Start could barely contain his excitement.

"I feel like I've had two careers: One was before the promise and one was after," he said.

But it's in the lives of individual students that the promise is making the biggest impact.

"I didn't know how I was going to pay for college," said Emily Midling, 17, a Loy Norrix High School senior who graduates June 8. "This just means so much to me. I just see it like changing my life."

Danielle Betke, an 18-year-old senior at Phoenix High, remembers being skeptical at first when she heard about the promise. It took weeks before the reality sunk in. No longer was community college her only option. Now, she's planning to attend WMU.

"It was crazy. My mom cried."

The donors "don't know what kind of impact they're having on KPS students. They are changing KPS students' lives forever," Danielle said.

Though Danielle doesn't know who the donors are, this is clear: "They must have a lot of faith in KPS students. Loy Norrix and Central don't have the best MEAP scores or send a lot of students to Harvard. They figure maybe this can make us more of what we want to be."

Families first, then businesses

The city itself may undergo a transformation, too.

"We've just been a city people move away from," said David Harris, 18, a senior at Loy Norrix High School. He's enrolled at WMU, after initially believing the most he'd be able to afford was a community college.

The promise, David said, will help the city grow and encourage people to stay.

Bob Jorth, executive assistant for the Kalamazoo Promise, the fund's sole employee, agrees that there's been a change.

"There's more community pride," he said. "The community understands this is an extraordinary gift and that the whole community needs to step forward and show that they appreciate it and they're going to utilize it in a way that honors the scope."

While there hasn't yet been a rash of people buying homes within the district's boundaries, it's only a matter of time, said Bob Rateike, a real estate agent with ERA Network Real Estate in Kalamazoo.

"Long-term, the Kalamazoo Promise is going to be a real benefit to the area and to the real estate market. If the schools improve their reputation, it will have a positive impact," Rateike said.

McKinney said there already are groups of people working to determine "how we can best leverage the Kalamazoo Promise to really help the whole area's economic and community development."

The city itself sure needs it.

In the 1990s, it lost a General Motors plant. Gone are several paper mills that helped fuel the economy.

"People have been leaving the core city, moving to the suburbs," McKinney said, citing the quality of the school district, high taxes and fear of crime. "What the promise has done for us is take one of those off the table. It's up to us to deal with the other two."

She expects the promise will eventually bring in more businesses and stabilize the neighborhoods.

"We're going to see families move first, and then businesses," McKinney said.

'Everyone should go to college'

In the office at Phoenix High School, a large clipboard containing dozens of applications for the Kalamazoo Promise is displayed prominently on a rack.

The school serves struggling students, and of the 48 seniors who are graduating, 10 already have earned the scholarship. Principal Von Washington Jr. expects more to be accepted.

University officials say that even though the promise is a guarantee of funding, students still have to meet admissions standards.

"They might try harder now because they know they can get to college," said Chris Crook, 17, a Phoenix graduating senior.

Senior Elizabeth Lauer used to ride by big office buildings and dream of one day becoming a chief executive officer. But it wasn't something she ever thought would happen.

Until now.

"Everyone should go to college, so we're not depending on welfare and food stamps," Elizabeth said. "With college, you're pretty much guaranteed a career. ... You just have to want it."

Contact LORI HIGGINS at 248-351-3694 or

Copyright © 2006 Detroit Free Press Inc.

INNOVATE or Die...............

The February/March issue of Innovate ( focuses on online assessment and effective course design, the value of e-portfolios as dynamic records of academic and professional development, and the creative use of synchronous communication tools for online tutorials.

We open the issue with my interview with Scott Howell, who stresses the effective alignment of instructional content with testing methodology and the ways in which such alignment can be realized in distance and online learning programs. As such programs continue to grow and develop, the work of Howell and his colleagues promises to give valuable direction to this vital trend in higher education. (See )

Judith Boettcher provides further direction to such developments by drawing on the work of brain research and pedagogical theory to describe ten core learning principles that educators should seek to realize in their teaching, whether it be in online, traditional, or hybrid learning environments. Boettcher's article will be of particular value for instructors who are in the initial planning stages of course design and development. (See )

Our next two features focus on a significant trend in the use of technology for enhanced professional communication: e-portfolios. Cara Lane emphasizes the importance of e-portfolios as a way for students to develop effective online presentation skills for their future careers and the key proficiencies that students should develop to ensure the long-term value of their e-portfolios as records of their professional and academic growth.
(See )

Vicki Lind provides a more focused look at e-portfolios in the context of a music education program, illustrating the ways in which this medium allowed student teachers to document their distinctive skills, their instructional strategies, and the ways in which they align their teaching with state standards. (See )

The use of synchronous communication tools in online learning environments serves as the focus of our next two articles. Yuping Wang and Nian-Shing Chen describe the results of a pilot study assessing the value of a learning management system to support synchronous tutorial sessions in second language learning. They found that the range of tools provided by the system--including chat, whiteboard, and videoconferencing technology--provided a resilient, supportive learning environment for distance learning students. (See )

In turn, Birgit Loch and Christine McDonald describe the results of a pilot study that explored how a free and widely available chat client (MSN
Messenger) could serve as a viable medium for distance learning tutorials in mathematics. By providing its users with an easy way to incorporate diagrams, symbols, and specialized mathematical annotation in their communications, this popular chat client offers a convenient alternative to the whiteboard function of Blackboard and other proprietary systems. (See )

Finally, in his Places to Go feature, Stephen Downes reviews the OpenCourseWare Consortium Web site. Downes observes that while the site represents a step forward in the consolidation of open courseware resources, its limited navigational options and restricted access unfortunately work against the ethos of openness that the site proclaims to support. If such initiatives are to fulfill their promise, Downes concludes, they will need to ensure that they truly support the growth of the communities they are intended to serve. (See )

Please forward this announcement to appropriate mailing lists and to colleagues who want to use IT tools to advance their work. Ask your organizational librarian to link to Innovate in their resource section for open-access e-journals.



James L Morrison
Editor-in-Chief, Innovate
Professor Emeritus of Educational Leadership UNC-Chapel Hill

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

AGRI-ENERGY Conference

Agri-energy conference set: The 2007 Michigan Agri-Energy Conference will highlight renewable energy, while identifying market barriers, the economics of renewable energy, and examining case studies and success stories. This event will take place at the Holiday Inn South in Lansing March 13 and 14. Farmers, service providers, rural and agricultural leaders, researchers and policymakers are all encouraged to attend, and learn how Michigan can capitalize on the potential of renewable sources like wind and solar, biomass, biofuels and bioproducts. The opening keynote, "A Perspective on Future Energy Trends for the United States," will be delivered by Michael Schaal, director of the Energy Information Administration in the United States Department of Energy. This will be followed by breakout sessions hosted by technical experts in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and environmental regulations. Day One will end with a networking reception and an additional opportunity to view the exhibit area, which will feature the latest products and services in the renewable energy arena, as well as informational booths on current research and development from various universities and institutes. Day Two will start off with a keynote address, "21st Century Energy Plan Report," from Peter Lark, chairman of the Michigan Public Service Commission. This will be followed by more breakout sessions and a grant-writing workshop to learn tips for securing Farm Bill, Section 9006 grant dollars. To register online, visit and click on "Upcoming DEQ Workshops." For more information, e-mail Terri Novak at or call (517) 930-3170.



From Previous Post:
Michigan Virtual High School "CareerForward" On-line Program


February 8, 2007

Online Learning Experience Symposium

When Michigan became the first state in the U.S. to require students to successfully complete an online course or learning experience (approved by the Governor and Michigan Legislature in April 2006), Michigan middle and high schools were charged with implementing an online program for their students.

This MVU Symposium will bring the Michigan Merit Curriculum-Online Learning Guidelines to life and provide you with the knowledge and strategies to move your students into the online world — and meet the state’s online learning requirement.

The symposium will provide practical information on how you can be successful in implementing online learning solutions for a wide-range of students in your district. Attend this symposium and walk away with confidence in meeting the new online graduation requirement. Sessions will cover multiple topics including:

  • National and international trends in online learning
  • Michigan’s new online learning graduation requirement
  • Local implementation strategies
  • Online approaches to teacher professional development to insure HQT
  • Building learning communities using the Internet
  • Online test preparation tools, including the ACT
  • Learning world languages in an online environment
  • Online career planning tools and courses
  • How can my district afford it?

Individuals from the following organizations will be on hand to share their knowledge and expertise:

  • Microsoft Corporation (Partners in Learning Program)
  • Michigan Department of Education
  • North American Council for Online Learning (NACOL)
  • Blackboard, Inc.
  • Michigan Virtual University
  • K-12 Schools

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

Mary Cullinane
Mary is a former teacher and high school administrator. In 2000, after serving in schools for 10 years, she helped start an Internet company focused on creating online learning communities for school districts. In 2001 she accepted a job with Microsoft Corporation as the National Program Manager for Anytime Anywhere Learning. In 2002 she became the U.S. K-12 Segment Manager responsible for Microsoft's K-12 marketing and programs. In September 2003 she moved back to the east coast to drive the School of the Future Project as part of the US Partners in Learning Team. In February 2006 she assumed responsibility for the U.S. Partners in Learning program.

Susan Patrick
Susan is the President / CEO of the North American Council for Online Learning. She is the former Director of the Office of Educational Technology at the U.S. Department of Education, where she published the National Education Technology Plan, Toward a New Golden Age in American Education: How the Internet, the Law and Today’s Students Are Revolutionizing Expectations in January 2005. Patrick managed the federal government’s educational technology policies and produced two Secretary’s Technology Leadership Summits: Empowering Accountability and Assessment Through Technology and Increasing Options Through E-Learning. She served as co-chair of the federal government’s Advanced Technologies Working Group for Education and Training; and served as a member of the Secretary’s Rural Education Task Force.

Mike Flanagan
Mike Flanagan was appointed State Superintendent of Public Instruction by the State Board of Education on May 18, 2005. He directs the Michigan Department of Education; chairs the State Board of Education; and advises the State Board of Education, the Governor, and the state Legislature regarding public education in Michigan. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Flanagan served as the Executive Director of MASA and MAISA. He served as the Superintendent of the Wayne Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA). Mr. Flanagan was also Superintendent of the Farmington/Farmington Hills School District in Michigan for five years. Mr. Flanagan currently serves on the boards of the North Central State Committee; the Michigan Virtual University; and the Midwest Regional Education Laboratories (MREL).